A Team Parent serves as the liaison between the parents and the coach, and assists the coach in team-related activities, such as coordinating refreshments, photo day, end-of-season activities, etc.
Team organization activities, if not handled by the Coach:
Compiles and distributes a team roster to all parents.
Distributes uniforms to players.
Organize a referee team for assigned games.
Coordinates parents to help with field maintenance assignments.
Compiles a schedule of team assignments and activities, including game information, referee and field maintenance assignments, and water, refreshment and pot-luck assignments.
Note: The Age Group Commissioner (AGC) provides the game schedules and team assignments to the Coach. If your Coach does not provide you a copy, ask him/her.
Serves as liaison, keeping parents informed of team and Honolulu region activities:
Serves as the communication link between the coaches and parents. For example, notifies parents of changes or cancellation of practice dates and times.
Distributes or shares information provided by the Age Group Commissioner (AGC).
Notifies parents of Photo Day, Region Fundraising, Spring Soccer Registration and other region activities.
Coordinates or delegates other team activities, including:
Coordinates, distributes information, and collects monies for Photo Day.
Coordinates, orders and collects monies for Region fundraising activities.
Coordinates, orders and collects money for end-of-season player recognition or awards, coaches’ gifts, etc.
Coordinates optional team outings such as miniature golf, movies, etc. as applicable.
Assists in any other activities the coaches may need help with.
Serves as a role model for other parents regarding sportsmanlike behavior and positive team spirit and support. Advises parents of positive reinforcement.
Walks on water, leaps tall buildings in a single bound, is faster than a speeding bullet, and more powerful than a locomotive.
Team parents are required to fill out a volunteer form yearly for background checks. After completion of that form, an email will be sent to go to the background screener (Sterling Volunteers to complete their form. Team parents are required to do 4 cou
rses (3 annually) through aysou the CDC (concussion certification program), Sudden Cardiac Arrest, AYSO’s Safe Haven (once only) and Safesport Course. We want all our kids to be safe out there. If you have any questions, please email your Region's Team Parent Coordinator by clicking HERE.
Thank you.
Barbara Sano
Team Parent Coordinator
[email protected]