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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Honolulu - Region 178


General Information

Generally: No.

Experience has shown that disparity in player development tends to even out as time progresses. While they may be bigger/faster/stronger right now, in a few years that may change.

We've found that it may be more important that they stay with their friends and develop their social skills together. As the physical disparity begins to even out they'll still be with their friends who are at similar social and emotional development levels.

There are other lessons to be learned by playing in his/her appropriate age group. For example, your child could focus on leadership skills.

Of course, if there is a safety concern then an exception may be made. The Region Board will review exception requests on a case-by-case basis.

Generally: No.

Experience has shown that disparity in player development tends to even out as time progresses. While they may be smaller right now, in a few years that may change. And while some may never catch up to their peers in size, they may develop better skills to compensate.

We've found that it may be more important that they stay with their friends and develop their social skills together. As they grow up they'll still be with their friends who are at similar social and emotional development levels.

Of course, if there is a safety concern then an exception may be made. The Region Board will review exception requests on a case-by-case basis.

From the time Registration closes, our volunteers are hard at work preparing for the season.

Age Group Commissioners (AGCs) start forming teams. When they have an idea as to how many teams they have, they need to recruit volunteers to coach those teams. With the coaches in place, they find out where they will be practicing and start trying to match players to coaches based on player ratings, practice area preference, does parent referee?, etc. This is usually accomplished via a blind draft with all of the coaches in attendance. With the teams formed, they can order uniforms. Orders take about 8 weeks to get here once the order is submitted. And while all of that is going on, they're also trying to place players off of our wait-list onto teams. If a lot of kids sign up on the wait-list, the AGC ends up having to recruit more coaches! This is why it's important to register early. Late registrants wreak havoc with our team balancing, uniform orders, etc.

Our Permit Coordinator works on obtaining permits for the fields that we use for games and practices. He/she also obtains permits for the various meetings and training sessions that we need to hold before the season starts. Sometimes coaches will request a field that we haven't used before so the coordinator needs to go out and negotiate to obtain a permit. By then it will be very late in the permitting cycle so it may be a lot of extra legwork involved to get the permits.

Once we know how many game fields we need and we've obtained our permits, our Equipment Coordinator makes sure we have enough goals, goal nets, corner flags, anchor pegs, field paint, painters, etc. Once the equipment is organized, he/she needs to get them into the various storage facilities at the game fields.

Our Photo Day Coordinator works with our AGCs and the photography studio to figure out when and where we can do our picture taking. Contracts need to be negotiated and schedules need to be set up. And manpower for photo day needs to be recruited.

Our Uniform Coordinator collects all of the uniform orders from the AGCs and then submits them to the vendor. After the uniforms come in, they need to be sorted and then distributed to the appropriate AGC before the season starts.

Our Field Manager works with our AGCs to lay out and mark all of our game fields.

Once we know how many teams we have, our Coach Administrator and our Referee Administrator start figuring out how many training courses we need to provide to get all of our Coaches and Referees properly certified. Permits for the training venues need to be obtained via our Permit Coordinator. And appropriately certified Coach and Referee Instructors need to be lined up to teach the courses. It is extremely important that we get all of our volunteers properly trained and certified because this is one of the requirements to protect our volunteers from liability issues under the Volunteer Protection act of 1997.


Programs / Seasons

We offer a variety of programs.

Our main program is called "Core". This is where we implement all of our Core Philosophies:
  Everyone Plays
  Balanced Teams
  Open Registration
  Positive Coaching
  Good Sportsmanship
  Player Development

Playground / Schoolyard
Playground and Schoolyard are programs for our youngest players; those age 3 to 5. These programs are not regular soccer programs. They are designed to introduce the game to your child.

Playground intends to help develop, in collaboration with the parent or guardian, the child’s fundamental motor skills using soccer as a common thread.
Schoolyard is about exposing children to soccer as a game, without the pressure to win.

EXTRA™ is a competitive, game-circuit program that offers players a higher-level opportunity to refine their skills in a more competitive, tryout based environment. We sometimes refer to it as "Select".

AYSO is proud to offer a very special program for athletes with disabilities. Our VIP (Very Important Player) program provides a safe, fun environment with trained coaches, VIP Buddies, and volunteers who facilitate an enriching experience that the players and their families will cherish forever

AYSO Alliance is a new part of the AYSO Player Development Pathway. Much like EXTRA™, Alliance is a competitive, tryout based program for players/teams who want to play in both internal and external gaming circuits as members of both AYSO and US Youth Soccer or US Club Soccer.

AYSO United
AYSO United welcomes our top players into club soccer the AYSO way, fostering a positive environment focusing on player development with high-level coaching and training.

Adult Soccer
AYSO Adult Soccer encourages everyone regardless of age, number of players on a team, or skill level, to get out and play! Get creative with how you play, whether it’s a game of 3v3, pick-up soccer, or futsal, AYSO Adult Soccer helps you get out, get fit, and have a good time with your community!

Our Fall Season starts on August 1 and runs through mid-November. August 1 is the first day that coaches are allowed to start practices. Most games will begin in September. Games for the older age groups may begin earlier so that they can finish before the start of the Intermediate and High School soccer seasons in order to avoid conflicts.

Our Spring Season is split in two because of a lack of fields and conflicts with the school soccer seasons (for our older players). We have a "first half" and a "second half".

The First Half Spring Season begins on December 1 and runs through mid-March. Games will begin in January. The 10U and 12U Age Groups will be playing in this season.

The Second Half Spring Season begins on March 1 and runs through mid-June. The Playground, Schoolyard, 6U, 8U, 14U, 16U, and 19U Age Groups will be playing in this season.

We also run a High School Summer League in cooperation with our local high schools. That season begins on June 1 and concludes about two weeks before the start of the school year.


Teams / Coaches / Referees

AYSO teams are coached by volunteers from your community. Most of our coaches are parents with children in the program.

In fact, YOU could be the coach! As a coach, you get to select the days, times, and locations of your practices. If you need more control of your schedule, this is one way to achieve that.

Coaching can be an extremely fun and rewarding experience. Best of all, it allows you to spend quality time with your child and gives you the opportunity to be a great role model!

All coaches will receive age appropriate training by AYSO for the age group they are coaching in.

If you have not volunteered to coach, you will be contacted by your child's coach. Coaches receive their rosters at the coach meeting and will contact the players on the team. Usually the meeting is held 4 to 8 weeks before the first game. Dates for the coach meeting and start of the season will be posted on the website.

Please do not panic if you see other teams practicing and your child has not been called. There could be a number of things going on.

If your child's coach was unable to attend the coach meeting or is out of town then they may not have received their roster yet. Also, not all teams begin practice at the same time. Some coaches choose to start later than others.

And, depending on the season, some age groups begin at different times. For example, during the Spring season, our 10U and 12U age groups will begin practices in December with games running from January through March. The other age groups will start their Spring season in March and run 'til June.

When in doubt, drop us an e-mail at [email protected]


Games and Practices

Games vary in length based on age group. We report game duration based on the length of the halves. Each half will have a short break at roughly half way through the half (i.e. quarter break) to get water and substitute players. There will be a 5-minute break at the end of the first half.

Age GroupGame Duration
6U10 minute half (25 minute games)
8U20 minute half (45 minute games)
10U25 minute half (55 minute games)
12U30 minute half (65 minute games)
14U35 minute half (75 minute games)
16U40 minute half (85 minute games)
19U45 minute half (95 minute games)


shin guards (required)
make sure they are appropriately sized. Dick's Sporting Goods has a lot of good information at

soccer socks and shoes

a soccer ball

uniform (games only)
comfortable clothing to run around in; e.g. shorts and t-shirts (practices)

wear sunscreen

Also, bringing a well rested, well hydrated, nutritionally balanced child with a positive attitude and willingness to learn is highly recommended!

The size of the soccer ball is based on the age group of your child.

Age GroupBall Size
6U and 8U
size 3
10U and 12Usize 4
14U, 16U, 19Usize 5



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Contact Us

AYSO Honolulu Region 178

2440 Campus Road, PMB 463
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Email Us: [email protected]
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